How Does PRP Therapy Work to Relieve Joint Pain?
PRP can help pain from arthritis and meniscus tears
Dr. Christie Lehman, MD
Now practicing with Steadman Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas.
Locations in Greenville, SC (864-454-7422) and Spartanburg, SC (864-515-7500)
Starting April 7, 2025.
Seeing patients for Electrodiagnostic testing, non-surgical orthopedic care, and orthobiologics (PRP)
If you are looking for medical records from Asheville Regenerative Orthopedics, look here avlregenerative.com
If you will be seeing Dr. Lehman at Steadman Hawkins and are a previous patient -
If you can, please obtain your medical records and bring them to your appointment, as she no longer can access.