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Dr. Christie Lehman, MD
Now practicing with Steadman Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas.
Locations in Greenville, SC (864-454-7422) and Spartanburg, SC (864-515-7500)
Starting April 7, 2025.
Seeing patients for Electrodiagnostic testing, non-surgical orthopedic care, and orthobiologics (PRP)
If you are looking for medical records from Asheville Regenerative Orthopedics, look here
If you will be seeing Dr. Lehman at Steadman Hawkins and are a previous patient -
If you can, please obtain your medical records and bring them to your appointment, as she no longer can access.
Bryan Haslam, NC
“Dr Lehman has helped my elbow tendonitis and torn rotator cuff. Highly recommend seeing her before deciding to pursue surgery!
Climbed this spectacular 5.11c one year after Dr. Lehman treated my torn rotator cuff. Could not even pull the first move before treatment.
Update 5 years since right shoulder BMAC for a full thickness rotator cuff tear. I’m back to 100% for a 57yo. Climbing as strong as ever. Can’t recommend her enough … I work in healthcare and know the pros and cons of surgery. If you are considering surgery for a joint issue, get a consultation with Dr Lehman first."

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